Earth 2 is a Virtual Version of Earth - Why Is It Going Viral?

You may have heard about it before, but perhaps the hype has yet to reach you. Earth 2 is currently viral on all social media platforms, including Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, and Youtube.

Earth 2 is a 1:1 virtual representation of our earth. This virtual earth is divided into 5.1 trillion tiles (10m X10m) and classified into three types.

Virtual land can be purchased on Earth 2 in the same way as real land. You can also purchase land from other users or sell your land to them if you are able to. Developers announced that each piece of land would soon be fully customizable. According to the developer:

Earth 2's vision is to create a digital representation of the earth that can be used by people worldwide. It will allow them to build, live, trade, experience, interact, and much more. We believe Earth 2 is a significant step towards achieving this vision.

Earth 2 will allow players to freely roam around the virtual planet, similar to Ready Player One according to its developers.

Logging into Earth 2 will allow you to explore the map of the world and view the various tiles. If the tile is already owned, it will be colored red and the flag of its owner. To see the current price of free tiles, click on them.

The price of tiles located in popular areas on Earth 2 will rise. You have two options: keep your tiles or make a profit.

Earth 2 is a popular way to buy and sell land for profit. It is being compared to cryptocurrency. Imagine buying 100 tiles for $0.26 each and then selling them two weeks later for $37.77 each. This is a $3,751 profit on an initial investment of $26. It's no wonder that people are flocking to Earth 2 right now.

This is not all. Developers claim that the next phase will allow us to rent properties, mine resources, and earn income taxes. You can even make cash by placing advertisements on your land.

Why is Earth 2 so hyped right now?

This hype can be explained by many factors. These are the most important reasons:

  • People who have missed out on Bitcoins won't miss another chance.

  • It is a great idea that the developers will use Earth 2 for VR gaming.

  • The land prices for Earth 2 are less than real-life prices.

  • It's quite cool to own Disney Land, the Pyramids, a private Island, or any other interesting location virtually -- it costs very little.

  • It is possible to make money from it.

  • There are only a limited number of tiles, so prices might go up if most tiles have been purchased.

  • It's addictive to look for tiles in important locations and find them. Mount Everest is one example.

Earth 2: The current state

Earth 2 is a video game. That's all. It is not a cryptocurrency and does not claim to be one.

As I have mentioned, Earth 2's map has 5.1 trillion tiles. If all tiles were sold at $0.1, then the total revenue would be between five hundred and ten trillion dollars. I don't know how to even put this number down.

Earth 2 currently only has a few tiles on a map you can purchase. However, the developers mentioned that they are working on it. It is currently a trading platform game that uses 10m X10m tiles and their values.

Earth 2 has been online for a few months. Phase 1 is still in its early stages. It is expected that in phase 2 we will have resources and mining features. You might be able generate in-game currency depending on the location of your tiles during phase 2. Nobody knows what phase 3 will bring. It is believed that VR will be brought to Earth 2 during phase 3. However, the future development plans and plans for VR are still unknown.

Each country has four classifications for tiles. The first tiles to be sold within a country are classified as Class 1. They have the highest tax returns and are the most popular tiles. The next step is tiles of class 2, which have a lower tax return, and then class 3. The remaining tiles in class 4 have no tax returns.

Investors and players have already made significant gains, often in the thousands. Earth 2 may gain more popularity or fail. The future will reveal the direction of the little tiles.




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